This time around I desided to write a graphics driver that was more capable than the one that was provided. I figured that a good addition to the game kit would be a graphics driver that could display more sprites that are bigger, as well as 4 way scrolling. The graphics driver that I wrote gives the system the look and feel of a video game console, with ease to the programmers.
A nice feature of the Microchip Pic24 microcontroller is that it can be programmed in C. To save myself some time I created an XGS simulator, where I can program XGS software away from the unit itself. For the simulator I created a wrapper that simulated the graphics functions of the graphics driver I wrote, and uses SDL for the display. This made programming a lot easier since I could run the code on the PC, then when I was happy with it, drop the C code in the XGS programming environment, compile, and download.
Below are the demo programs that I created for the 16-bit XGS system, and the final product at the online at
Nurve Networks.
After making more modifications to my graphics driver to add scrolling and multiple windows (using a display list that can control each scanline), I wanted to create a game that showed off these features. This time I desided to create an original game where you race against the clock for the highest score. NTSC version: Download XGS binary image and source | |
With the new graphics driver, there weren't any games running on it, so I desided to write a Pacman clone to show it off. The bug in the video where the ghost is getting stuck in the tunnel has been fixed. NTSC version:Download XGS binary image and source VGA version:Download XGS binary image and source | |
I used this program to just briefly show off the capabilities of the graphics driver that I wrote. The background rotates in the circle with the 8 sprites bouncing up and down. NTSC version:Download XGS binary image and source | |
This was my first program on the XGS 16-bit Pic system. This was a simple game that I created to learn the tools and the system itself. NTSC version:Download XGS source |